Some Shed Blood, Some Donate Blood – Which Side Are You On ?


Few days back, I had a conversation with a very well educated friend, which went something like this!

Friend – Hey, what’s up?
Me – Good, nice to see you after so long!
Friend – Where are you going, by the way?
Me – Actually I was going to donate blood.
Friend – Are you serious? I’m so afraid of it.
Me – Why so? Blood donation is really a great thing. It can save lives!
Friend – I have heard that after donating blood, there is weakness in the donor’s body.

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Me – Do I look weak to you? I donate my blood every three months and believe me, I haven’t felt any weakness rather I feel a different kind of freshness and energy.
Friend – Great, but nowadays a very few people, like you, care to donate blood. All are busy with their own business and no one cares about the needy.
Me – Not at all! Did you know, a campaign has been organized in our nearby hospital? People are standing in long queues just to donate their blood. And I’m telling you, I have never seen such compassionate people before.
Friend – Are you serious? In today’s selfish time, who does it?
Me – Believe me, it’s true! These people are the volunteers of Dera Sacha Sauda, a non-profit organization which is also known as true blood pump of the world.
Friend – Yup! I’ve heard a lot about this organization, which is completely dedicated to serving selflessly. But, what does this ‘true blood pump’ mean?

True Blood Pump

True Blood Pump Daily Bees

Dera Sacha Sauda is generally referred as ‘True Blood Pump’ on account of having millions of followers who are 24*7 ready to donate blood wherever and whenever required. Marvelous thing about this organization is that its name has been recorded three times in Guinness Book of World Records and one time in Asia Book of Records. Dera Sacha Sauda is an organization where the volunteers reach to the place wherever blood is required irrespective of the location, which has never happened anywhere. All the credit goes to their spiritual master Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji, who motivates 65 million people single handedly to serve the mankind. Till date 3,47,506 units of blood have been donated so far and the number continues. Not only Indians, but the native foreigners also feel grateful and donate their blood.

Safety and Blood Donation

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We all know it very well; blood can’t be synthesized in laboratories. It can only be transfused from one person to another. The best thing is that the procedure is extremely safe.

According to studies, by having proper diet and fluids, the body restores donated blood. The freshly formed blood helps us become healthier.



What if someone from your family, or any loved one needed blood and they didn’t receive timely help?

Would you care about any caste, creed or religion of the donor?
As a human being, blood donation is our moral duty. It should be a voluntary, heartfelt gesture. If we can spare some blood and save a life, why not do it?

No gift can be as precious as the gift of life to a person lying on the deathbed.  And, I sincerely appeal to all readers come forward and donate blood regularly, without any apprehension.