World Food Day
Food is one of the rudimental needs of humans. Although privileged ones have lots of choices in their regular intake of food. People prefer to eat not only to satisfy their appetite but also to enjoy delicious tastes which can make them happier. One needs to be grateful to God who has made him able to get regular access to their desired nutritious diet. However, there are millions of those who are not getting one square meal a day and become the victim of food starvation or malnutrition. Therefore, to raise awareness about hunger and starvation World Food Day is observed every year on the 16th of October worldwide so that the effluent can forward their hands of help to those in need.
History Behind the Day
World Food Day was founded in 1945 by Food and Agriculture Organization. However, in 1979 it was recognized worldwide as World Food Day and an international holiday. The United Nations promoted this day profoundly in 2014 when the motto of the day was to eliminate the lack of food and poverty. The main focus of the campaign was on remote areas. The United Nations not only concentrate on the development of food access to all sections of society in the world but also guides people about the value of good eating habits and healthy food. The FAO plays a vital role efficiently while making effective agricultural policies to get longevity in food production and preservation. World Food Day had different themes in past years such as climate is changing, food and agriculture must too, breaking the cycle of rural poverty, etc. These days many organizations provide funds for this noble task and many business tycoons also share the responsibility for it.
Food As a Basic Need
Everybody rushes in the morning from home to earn money to get the basics of life including food. Food is essential for living as well as to continue the life cycle on the earth. People love to eat their favorite dishes on regular basis like pizza and pasta. Moreover, food is a way to bring people together on many occasions such as weddings, birthdays, and many other celebrations. Food is the way of enjoying life for many but there are some parts of our society where people live below the poverty line and cannot afford food for their life. This is a quite big challenge for the governments of the nations. In many developing countries individuals are forced to sleep on empty stomachs due to a lack of food. Food starvation causes premature birth of infants which ultimately results in death. The malnutrition of expecting mothers becomes the reason for this disaster. Although people are facing a such tough situation in their lives, several others left their full plates and eventually waste that food due to the secure availability of food.
Need of the Time
Today, there is a dire need to realize the value of food. On regular basis, a large quantity of food is wasted as people order food but do not finish it properly. At certain places, the leftover food is not allowed to give to needy people due to some reasons, and eatables are put into bins. It was an old saying in many religious holy books that wasting food is a sin instead it should be given to the needy person. Giving food and water to a hungry person is a great way to please God in many societies. However, we still waste a lot of eatable food on regular basis in our homes. Hence, world organizations need to focus on this issue as the saved food can satisfy many empty stomachs. Many associations are working for the safety of food now. At many restaurants, some refrigerators are installed to put leftovers into them so that the unprivileged can get benefit from them.
Best Ways to Celebrate the Day
As per the celebration by FAO seminars and many other programs are performed to increase awareness about the objectives of the organization. Due to pandemic the virtual meetings are conducted to celebrate the day. Every individual can be part of this celebration if he tries to do one or two related tasks on this 16th Oct.
1. Be part of the World Food Day Event
One can participate in organized rallies, seminars, and quiz programs which are performed in every country on this day. While involved in this event one can get to know about the agendas of FAO and can also do something effective for combating food starvation. Also, one can be informed about eating healthily which can further make life longer and free from health issues.
2. Donate food to Food Bank
These days number of food banks are formed in cities and local areas of communities where one can donate ration items for needy people. This collected food is served to destitute families in remote areas to make their survival easier. Adding to it, one can keep fast and save food to donate which can eventually help to be healthy.
3. By Saving Food
One can also make difference by saving food which can be possible through avoiding the wastage of eatables. Every day leftover food can be saved for the next day instead of moving to bins.
In conclusion, World Food Day is quite a significant day in human life because it is good to become aware of the value of food and its regular secure access. People should join hands to end up food starvation and poverty around the globe through their sincere efforts.