Kidney Donation – Donate a Kidney, Save a Life!

Humanity Is Still Alive.
“To Serve humanity Is to Serve God”
I believe in humanity, and also believe in kindness, sympathy, faith, & spiritual relevance & I’m sure after going through this article you will also start believing that ‘Humanity is still Alive’.
A man lives for himself, & as human beings we all are busy in fighting battles sometimes privately & sometimes publicly. How many of you have time to think for others? or to go beyond one’s own self & Serve others? There are very few people who put Sunshine into a dark life of someone else.

DSS: An Organization Dedicated to Humanity!

Dera Sacha Sauda is the spiritual organization headed by Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh ji Insan, where the devotees perform the tasks of human welfare & avoid evil deeds. They have participated in many cleanliness drives, act of blood donation, provide help to destitute, helped in construction of houses to the homeless etc. As many as 133 tasks have been launched under the guidance of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh ji Insan who always inspire his millions of followers to perform various humanitarian services. Their aim is to propagate the principles of humanity. Their zest & passion is full of humanity. When they render service to humanity, they go beyond their comfort levels and serve others.
dera sacha sauda Daily Bees

Kidney Donation: An Honorable & Magnificent Task

“Don’t take your organs to heaven…
 Heaven know we need them here….!”
kindney donation daily bees
Though 133 humanitarian tasks are running in Dera Sacha Sauda, like organizing blood camps, cleanliness campaigns & many others. Among all, one task is promoting organ donation and motivating people to pledge for eye donation, dead body donation, kidney donation & other such donations.
Have you ever heard that someone is taking pledge to donate his/hed kidney antemortem? Surprising! Isn’t it? But everything holds true when it comes to Dera Sacha Sauda, where every follower has a passion for humanitarian deeds & the Sole motivator is Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh ji Insan who guides people towards inner emancipation and noble deeds, & as a result his followers show great enthusiasm and zeal to Serve mankind. Following his sermons, dera followers are ready to donate KIDNEY while Alive under a fully lawful progress. Incredible! Seriously, such activities are not easy. They are are the real heroes.
If you save one life, it is considered that you save the world”
save a life by donating kidney daily bees
Donating your kidney is truly a life saving gift & can completely transform the life of someone who is dependent on a daily dialysis. Donating your kidney is not something that happens only after you die, but is also possible to give the gift of kidney donation while you are alive as we can easily survive on one kidney. There are huge number of people around the world who needs a KIDNEY donor & for them it’s very difficult to find a suitable donor. Think how much their loved ones might be in distress when they are looking for a donor to save the life of their family member. It’s a horrible feeling & you can help someone else not have to deal with that pain. So, make the right decisions to bring happiness in someone’s life who really need you & choose to donate.