The Inheritance Dilemma – Can Daughters Continue The Lineage?


Can Daughters also lead the inheritance? I want to narrate what I found as answer to this question.

Now-a-days entire world is celebrating International Women’s Day and are digging deep into the tall claims made by government and feminists about Women Empowerment.

Early life of women

In earlier centuries, women were treated almost non-existent, as if all the rights belong to men even something as basic as voting and even now-a-days women in India are in danger of honor killing.

Women Empowerment Came Into Light

Women must be given equal opportunities in every field irrespective of gender. As women were not allowed to make decisions women empowerment came in like a fresh air. It made them aware of their rights and how to make their place in society rather than depending on man.

In India Women Empowerment is needed more than ever. The Women Empowerment has come into light and has made many people aware of the real value of a woman. Does debating about women empowerment actually bring it into light?

Does inking about it in magazines and calling protests and marches actually empower women at any sense?

Simply protesting and debating would do nothing unless and until every Indian or every individual has his or her perception changed about a woman.

There has always been question in my mind, along with so many stigmas stuck to society that are worsening the empowerment of women every day, What needs to be done to change the perception of people who consider girls as curse?

And as luck would have it, I got my answer.

Since centuries, daughters have been brought up to be at the low status and spineless and that too because of patrilineal system. This system has been going on since a long time. This is a system where after marriage women cooks and the man earns, a usual thing that makes society to rule out the idea of gender equality.

Has anyone ever thought how difficult it is for a girl to leave her parents and settle down with an unknown family. It is even the worst feeling for the single girl child to leave her parents helpless after she leaves.

Why is it that girls have always to compromise and never boys?

An Incident that lead me to the wind of change

Here I would like to narrate you an incident which I came through a few months back

There is a family of Arora’s known to my family, but i have no much interference in knowing them keenly. The family has two daughters and their mother and father. They all live so peacefully and happily. The family is quite religious. They all meditate a lot. Both their girls were at marriagable age. Older daughter got married few months back. Her in-laws live at a very far away area from the arora’s hometown. Few months after the marriage of their older daughter they got busy in search of a boy for their younger daughter. Parents were very happy, but not their daughter. The reason being she was worried about her parents after she leaves. She could find no other choice than getting married and leave her parents, because this is what is the custom in our country.

Then someone came as a ray of hope to their family. He was an old family friend of Arora’s and during search for the groom, they contacted him also. During conversation with the girl, he came to know about her stress so he told them about an association in India which has rose above all the conventional rituals and have promoted Matrilineal Inheritance.

Crown of The Lineage - Daily Bees

Dera Sacha Sauda – A Socio Spiritual Philanthropic Organisation

This organisation has changed the idea of women empowerment that falls flat before patrilineal system because of customs and social stigmas.

In our Patriarchy society marriage of a girl eventually means that she relocated to her in- laws leaving her own parents behind.

Whirling the conventional culture, here at Dera Sacha Sauda a unique idea has been put forward where a girl is christened as “Kul-Ka-Crown” that is the “Crown of The Lineage” and brings the groom her home after marriage.

Need for this Shange

Now, after hearing this many advocates of orthodox tradition would say that it is a diversion from what is usual. But the prevailing practice of a small size of family is giving rise to single child families. Now imagine the pain of those parents who have a daughter as a single child and have to send her away after marriage.

Does it not calls for a new tradition where the existing patrilineal system exists in harmony with a new matrilineal system?

Knowing the need Dera Sacha Sauda has given the status of Crown of The Lineage to the daughters who wish to stay back with their parents after marriage along with their husbands.

Unlike the patrilineal tradition, here the girl comes in baraat and after marriage, brings groom home. Isn’t it great! Moreover, he takes care of her parents as his own.

This idea is given by Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan.

According to him, a daughter is as much her parents’ bloodline as a son.

According to Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, girls should be grown up strong. If a son can carry lineage forward then why not girls do the same?

This kind of custom obviously requires prior consent of both the families. The boy who agrees to it is appreciated for showing such courage. Only those boys can marry such girls who have brother to take care of his own parents also.

These marriages are held in Dera Sacha Sauda itself. The girl brings the Procession (Baraat) with herself, all her friends come along dancing and singing songs. The girl wear a specially designed turban and also carries a sword as she walks by.

Nothing can be more satisfying for a single girl child than bringing her groom home.

Dera Sacha Sauda is taking a great initiative towards such practices. It is bringing changes in lives of people by changing their mindset towards daughters.

This noble campaign is boon to those parents who have no sons and have no support in their old age once their daughter is married off.

Certainly, the wind of change is blowing.

Image Source: Saying Truth