This time, the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste will be scrutinized for the third time on 29 September 2022. The  International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste will make an apparent call to action for general and personal or private commodities, from across the food system, and buyers to perform together to shorten the food loss and waste to mitigate atmosphere change and help food protection and nourishment.

This is all geared towards reviving and building back satisfactorily and resilient-ready nutrition systems. Lessening food losses and waste is the foremost preference in a world where the number of people impacted by hunger has been gradually on the drift since 2014, and tones of palatable epicureans are forfeited or thrown away every day.

There is an immediate need to Stop Food Waste For People and Planet.

The nutrition and food supply chain in many countries is on course to catch up with agribusiness and land use as the gigantic supporter of conservatory gases. Food processing and packaging, concurrently with conveyance and food waste, are propelling the food supply chain to the top of the index of Greenhouse gases emitters globally.

Greenhouse gases are induced at every phase of the food supply system, nonetheless of whether the meals elicited are eaten up. In certain, food waste deteriorating in trash yards brings about methane, a powerful greenhouse gas that has been 84 times more than the warming power of carbon dioxide over 20 years.


A calculated 14 percent of the world’s food is lost between reaping and retailing, and an estimated 17 percent is frittered in retail and at the consumption status. This moves toward a time when an 811 million multitude goes starving. This food loss and trash invoice for 8-10 percent of multinational greenhouse gases pitching into a precarious environment and extreme climatic circumstances such as droughts and flooding. These differences negatively affect crop results, reduce the nourishing quality of harvests, reason supply chain disturbances, and jeopardize food security. All of this implies that there is a critical requirement to accelerate the effort to reduce food loss and waste.

Food loss has been too much since the advent of the period as things like spoilage couldn’t be well governed then. Now we have the norms to deal with a big part of spoilage but are still having food loss and wastage due to multiple excuses, from delinquency to scarcity of specialized know-how, lots of metiers contribute to food loss and wastage.

This amounts to global losses in the farming of about 1.2 billion tonnes per year resulting in economic losses in the field cost of more than 350 million dollars perennial. Preserving just one-fourth of the food presently lost or squandered in the World could assist feed 870 million populace who are living in starvation, as well as fight environmental change as food loss and waste, which are accountable for about 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions, overseeing to a depletion of the ozone layer and resulting in atmosphere transitions.

To lessen this food wastage, an international day of awareness of food loss and waste initiated initiated.  Those who give up leftover food, need to know that around 250 crore tonnes of food are frittered every year.

To help stave off food loss and waste, we need to come to be more conscious of its effect and take proper action. The International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste is a chance to boost awareness and facilitate reliable action around food loss and waste. Let we work jointly to make certain that food stays on our tables – not in the dustbin.


  • Always Shop smart:-

Buying in bulk may be convenient for most of us, but we shouldn’t buy a lot as it leads to food wastage.

  • Properly store the food:-

If food is not stored adequately, then it would get tarnished. Many foods like potatoes, garlic, cucumbers, tomatoes, and onions should never be refrigerated as these get spoilt when kept in the refrigerator.

  • Learn to preserve the food:-

Always Choose the right method of preservation for your food to avoid wastage as one size does not fit all.

  • Don’t overstock your fridge:-

Always Stock your fridge using the FIFO method, which means ‘first in, first out.’

  • Eat the skin:-

The skin of carrots, apples, mangoes, potatoes and the like should be eaten and not thrown away as they are very nutritious.

So these are multiple ways in which we can adapt to lessen food loss and waste. These techniques include grocery shopping not in bulk, cooking whole foods, composting, eating leftovers, and reducing food waste. We can also work to reduce food waste at the buyer level by minimizing the quantity of food that we squander away.

So everyone must take care of what we eat and how much we waste. We waste tones of food annually and that food is enough to feed more than twice the population on this earth.