Best 9 Essential Oils for your Mind and Body


Essential oil is considered extremely useful for humans for their physical and mental well-being. These oils are renowned for their therapeutic benefits because the oils are highly concentrated extracts of plants. The benefits of these oils are omnipotent as there are numerous uses of essential oils for the human body and mind.
People prefer to make use of these herbal oils because they have no side effects. The main element of these oils is the effectiveness as the visible results are seen by the users.

There are several essential oils which are utilised by people for various purposes in every corner of the world. The usage of essential oils is expanding on regular basis as now the food industry is also making good use of them in food and beverages. However, there is no valid evidence of curing ailments by using essential oils but still there is one evident proof aftereffects such as mood booster, stress reliever among others.

* Here are some popular essential oils which are used around the globe.*

Lavender: This Essential Oil is one of the mostly used oils in aromatherapy. The Lavandula Angustifolia is the plant from which the oil is extracted to treat various issues of human life. From Headaches to Migraine and stress to insomnia, allergies, menstrual cramps and nausea etcetera are treated with this oil. Additionally, people really like its fragrance and calming effect to relax individuals from the day-to-day life stress.
Lemon: Lemon contains such properties of energy which can easily uplift the mood of the person and helps to soothe stress. Once a study was done on mice which showed that mice seem stress-free after sniffing lemon. It has amazing antimicrobial resistance which prevents acne. Many people believe that lemon fills mind the with such energy which promotes positivity, consequently individual progresses towards life goals.
Peppermint Oil: This essential oil has potential to give relief from all aches and body pains. It is best remedy for people suffering with neck pain or stress. A few drops of oil massage can have great relief from cervical pain. Peppermint oil can also do wonders to cure cold and cough. People also use it for foot bath or to relax body. So, these properties make this oil necessary to keep at home.
Tea Tree Oil: Tea Tree oil is extremely effective concentrated extract which is highly used by cosmetologists and dermatologists due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-septic properties. Many beauty products which are boasting to be of organic nature are produced using this oil. This oil also protects from fungal infection which makes it essential to keep at every home. Also, it is good immunity booster as well healer for human body.
Sandalwood Oil: Sandalwood is popular in Ayurveda. It is used in many pious activities in Hinduism as it is considered sacred. People use sandalwood oil for its calming fragrance and grounding effects which are utilized to make some beauty products as well. Sandalwood oil also protects skin from acne and other serious skin issues. Many home remedies to deal with skin problems are also made from sandalwood extracted oil.
Eucalyptus: This oil serves as good treatment for cough cold and aches. It is effective to cure the breathing problems as well. This oil is also used for one unique task which is not like other essential oils to keep the insects and bugs away from home. Additionally, some people who face congestion in chest can find relief while using this oil. This oil has such cooling effect which heals the problem of strained muscle or joint also.
Rosemary: Rosemary oil is effective to reduce stress and increase the grey matter among people. People feel difference in the accuracy and speed of doing some intellectual tasks after using this oil. It refreshes human mind and body and channelize one’s focus on cognitive activities.
Ylang Ylang: This oil is heart friendly as it works to decrease high blood pressure and heart rate. It has properties to cure inflammation which sometimes becomes a big problem for human body.
Frankincense Oil: This oil is considered as extraordinary among other essential oils as it is of best use for people struggling with aged skin or wrinkles. It hydrates skin and provides rejuvenation to face.

At the end , I would like to say that nature is great treasure for humans to cure their problems and live a healthy life.