Lets Aid Each Other To Combat AIDS on this World’s AIDS Day

World AIDS Day was founded in 1987 by James W. Bunn and Thomas Netter and after that it has been taken place on December 1st every year since 1988. World AIDS Day is  an opportunity for us to get unite in support of those people who are suffering from HIV infection. People on this day spread awareness regarding AIDS caused by the spread of HIV infection.

world aids days information Daily BeesEarlier in the first two years, the theme of World AIDS Day was to focus on children and young people. But later it was believed that people of all ages may come under the ailment of this infection.

As Everyone has right to stay healthy in society and AIDS being a public health threat only could be ended if these rights are observed at the centre of global health, so quality health care is right of each and every individual.

AIDS, Not a Stigma

People who are afflicted this infection they don’t get friendly treatment and atmosphere from a group of people called society instead they are stigmatized and they are supposed to be regarded as socially unacceptable.
The main Challenge which comes in the elimination of AIDS is the fear in the people of being HIV positive that they start considering themselves inferior and they don’t share with others that they are suffering from AIDS instead they start feeling insulted, rejected and excluded from social activities. HIV people suffer in silence instead of getting the help they need because they have a fear that people will see them with the eye of contempt and consider them immoral.
world Aids Day 2017 Daily Bees
Credits: askideas

Discrimination Should be ended up against people HIV with HIV/AIDS

Isn’t it satiric we all gather on 1st December to show our support for HIV people and tie red ribbon on the wrist as a symbol to support them. Later we consider them with hatred eyes in our society… To show our support for a single day is not enough, our responsibility is to show our support for those people for the whole year.

We are supposed to take a pledge that HIV people will be treated with respect and love by us. We have to understand that AIDS is just a disease it’s not a sin and this disease not spread by interacting with HIV people. This disease only transforms via three mediums which are Blood, intercourse, and Breastfeeding.

AIDS can happen to anyone among us. So serious discrimination against HIV people is not justifiable. They need our helping hand and love not hatred…

 My Health My Right
“The theme of WORLD’s AIDS Day 2017 is My Health My Right.”