August Special: The Guiding Light for Millions


After working for all the week tirelessly, Sunday off is a must. And seriously, who doesn’t love weekend? A complete day’s relax, but yeah, sometimes it brings boredom too, specially when your family members spend almost all the Sunday in watching news channels.

spending time of TV Daily Bees

News channels, twitter, Facebook and all other social media platforms are flooded with one name, and that’s the chief of Dera Sacha Sauda – Baba Ram Rahim. For the last 8-9 days, one hashtag is always there in twitter’s top trends. As per further research, it is because of Baba Ram Rahim’s birthday on 15th August. Whatever the occasion may be, the disciples of Baba Ram Rahim celebrate it with selfless service. And now when it’s Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji’s birthday, I’m sure that millions of his followers will absolutely do something worthwhile adhering to his teachings.

I often find myself thinking that this organization is so different, specially in their ideologies and thinking. Is there any other organization in world that celebrates each occasion by conducting such kind of humanitarian works?

In August 2017 too, Dera Sacha Sauda had planted millions of trees on Ram Rahim Ji’s birthday. Let’s see, how many plants get planted by them this time. Well, it’s a good job! So what if media covers it or not, but the world knows it for sure. ?

Baba Ram Rahim’s principles are not some superstitions, his sincere teachings appeal to the youth logically. I mean, he does nothing for himself and each work is for the welfare of others, whether it’s tree plantation drive worldwide, rallies against social issues, or his message delivering movies.

Ya! His movies, how I can forget to talk about them? Honestly speaking, I haven’t seen all of his movies, except Jattu Engineer. I thoroughly liked and enjoyed it. It’s really different from others, no vulgarity, healthy comedy weaved in social messages. And his performance as headmaster and SSS were both quite praiseworthy.

Due to my habit of exploring and nosing out facts, few days back I found a link  and I opened Saint Dr. MSG. It suddenly to catch some more interesting facts about him. There’s still a lot more to read about him. When I came across certain facts related to his childhood, and seriously I was surprised!

about ram rahim on twitter Daily Bees

Baba Ram Rahim did extra-ordinary tasks since his childhood. Have you ever seen a child driving the tractor?

Yeah you guessed that right! Baba Ram Rahim held everyone of village in awe through his expertise in driving and handling the tractor at a tender age. The villagers thought of the the tractor operating on its own.

Not only this, Ram Rahim Ji was an outstanding student and he also had managed sports and cultural activities along with studies. Not only one game, He has experience of playing 32 national games and now coaches Indian players to represent our country at international level. And for the same, he is known by the name ‘Papa Coach’.

Guys, its not possible to write everything about him, its better that you should explore about him on your own if you’re interested by just visiting on his website once.

All in all, whenever such great personalities are born, their sole motive is protecting the truth and the upliftment of goodness and humanity.

Heartiest gratitude to Baba Ram Rahim Ji his soul empowering contribution to the world!