A Unique Movement Trended on Social Media #FastForNation


India is a diverse nation famous for its culture and tradition. It is well known as the land of spirituality because it is the motherland of many saints and sages.

Our rich values and beliefs have been recognized in the whole world. Many rituals performed here have strong scientific and spiritual reasons. That is why Indians have embraced them over the years.

The ritual of Fasting is one of the ancient traditions followed since ‘Vedic times’. Saints and sages used to keep fast to increase their concentration while meditating, as it said that we can better recite God’s name with an empty stomach, They boosted their self control by keeping fast to impress Almighty. In Islam too, holy ‘Roza’ is observed in remembrance of Allah.

Even today, people use this technique in the name of God and keep fast.

Some observe no food days as part of their diet plans, for better functioning of their digestive system. Naturopathy observes fasting as an integral method of healing and prevention of diseases.

Two days before we saw a unique movement trending on Twitter & other social media platforms called #FastForNation. Usually, People keep fast for themselves, for the betterment of their health and mostly keep fast according to their religions and beliefs. It was for the first time that Millions of people kept fast for the nation.

Let’s know more about this unique movement and how it got trending in few minutes.

How is #FastForNation a unique movement?

It is hard to believe for everyone that people kept fast for the nation. The year 2020 has been very tough for the whole country, there has been a lot of disturbance in our country due to Covid-19, economic crisis, and now from the past 3-4 months the dispute between farmers and the government, every citizen of the country has been affected. But there is no solution coming out even after several meetings and protests.

But in times of such crisis, prayers can do wonders and miracles can happen. This is the firm belief Indians have.

So, Millions of people around the world kept fast for well being and peace in India & the whole world. This is a unique initiative under which people also distributed food to hungry & needy. This fact we get to know from Twitter, where people posted their photos along with #tag while distributing ration & meal. It created a buzz on social media platforms. Further, we will know about the inspiration behind this unique movement.

The purpose behind this movement of #FastForNation

As we discussed above that millions of people together kept fast for one day & prayed to the almighty for the well being & peace of the nation and the whole world. When there is a lot of mess in the country, a large number of people in India are compelled to sleep with an empty stomach, so, the movement also helped to end up starvation from society.

Such a great initiative helped thousands of people with food and survival.

Let’s take a brief about the benefits of Fasting:

  • Fasting helps to keep us away from multiple diseases
  • Fasting helps to increase concentration while meditating
  • When we distribute the saved ration among hungry and needy people, the number of blessings they shower and inner peace we get is incomparable.
  • Fasting enhances self-control and thus makes our willpower stronger.

Who are the people behind this movement?

These are the people who have the high spirit to always serve the humanity at any cost. These are the volunteers of Dera Sacha Sauda. On February 28, 2021, the spiritual master of millions – Baba Ram Rahim Ji wrote a letter to His mother & disciples, in which He urged all to observe 24 hours- Fast for the nation. He also mentioned the date for the fast. He has asked to pray to the almighty before starting the fast. The prayer should be for the well-being and peace in our country; Almighty will give the solution and surely end up this cold war between government & farmers(Anndata). So, on the single call of their spiritual master, millions of volunteers kept one day fast worldwide & distributed food of that day to the underprivileged.

The inspirational source behind this unique trend on social media

As we saw that #FastForNation & #FastForNeedy created a buzz on social media which has been set a unique trend. This is all done with the great enthusiasm of Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers, and they are inspired by their spiritual master Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan who has written a letter to His Revered mother & all loved disciples. Guru Ji wrote 4 letters to his disciples and showered His love & concern for all of them. He urged all to take necessary precautions in this pandemic time as it is not ended yet. He asked all “To cover your mouth while going outside”. His holiness always has his whole attention in millions of disciples & urged them to serve humanity at any cost and do 134 welfare works initiated in Dera Sach Sauda. He also asked to do meditation on God’s words to live a happy & peaceful life.


Starvation becomes a hindrance in the growth of our nation, many are not enough fortunate to avail two times of meals in a day, let’s take an initiative to provide a meal to these destitute, by keeping fast once in a week & donate that saved food to underprivileged. If we all come together & join this movement, can lead our country towards “Zero Hunger”.