Friendship Day 2022: importance and qualities of a true friend


Friendship Day is observed on 1st sunday of August every year in the world to mark the significance of a friend in every person’s life. This day is quite special for people to realize each others’ role in their life. Friendship is a relationship which is built on the basis of emotions. Some people consider friendship more than Blood relations because this bond is more trustworthy and long lasting.

History of the day

This concept of celebrating friendship day was coined by Greeting card firms as a gimmick to increase the sale of their cards. But after the revolution of technology, the world faced a new acceptance for this day. The UN Assembly gave recognition to this day in 2011 that it is essential to celebrate the bonding of people, cultures, communities, countries as a whole after forgetting all differences. The main motive of the UN Assembly was to promote Culture of Peace among civilians of the world. The World Friendship Crusade had also remarked this day in 1958 to remember the special ties of people which are far from the boundaries of family but extremely close to the hearts of individuals. According to United Nations, amidst these global issues and crises of environmental problems, poverty, terrorism, lack of resources, and many others difficulties, the world and its residents need support and trust of each other as only togetherness and internal attachment can help us to combat with all challenges.

Why friendship and friends are important for life?

In this harsh world, from the very first stage of life, a person to whom we call friend makes it easier. Afterwards, life looks achievable and loveable when we have good friends in life. Friends are crucial for leading a life when we shift from family to society. They try to show us the real face of the world and make us aware about the truths and challenges of life. They also help us to give us vision about our future and save us from many unwanted problems by sharing their experiences. In this selfish world, a true friend never betrays us in any situation. Although having individual differences in perceptions, friends never put down your ideas and ways of doing work. People who were quite unknown and unfamiliar to us turn out to be our reason of happiness nobody knows. Therefore, this relationship of friendship is really important in our lives as people can easily share their views, secrets and problems with each other. However, family persons are more close to us but friends can be the closest one just because of these above mentioned features of this bond.

What should be the qualities of a Friend?

There is a long list of expectations from a true friend by every person; however, I feel that there are certain standards which can actually define the personality of a true friend.

Trustworthy: This is the extremely important and foundation aspect of every Friendship bond among people. A person who is trustworthy and loyal towards us can assure us to open ourselves to them. As friends are not only meant to laugh, enjoy and partying together but also to support care and share our problems with them. Having trust in this relation is really needed to maintain the Friendship.

Acceptance for differences of views

It is true that every person has his own mindset and way of thinking and leading life. Nonetheless, these individual traits should never be a hindrance for the growth of this relationship. There should be respect for each other’s opinion and individuality.


This is equally important in friendship as in other relations that person should have time for you. As giving time is crucial to make a relationship lovely and durable. So people should have time for each other.

A True Friend is a guide also

Yes, many people say that every friend should have positive comments on every act of their best friend. However, I feel that a friend should not be a yes man. There should be guidance and awareness from the side of a friend for the correspondent that can enlighten the other person for his faults.

In conclusion, this International Day of Friendship is the way to remember the time of entering into one of the best relationships of our life. So, we should celebrate this day with them and make them realize that they are really special and significant for us.

Writing credits – Mandeep