New Year 2023 : Some Interesting best Resolutions and Celebrations of New Year around the world


New Year brings lot of enthusiasm and new vibes of energy for everyone to start the year. The beginning forms firm foundation of new resolutions and to be accomplishments which give actual thrill to individuals. 2022 is going to end soon and we are on the edge to welcome new year 2023. Every year 31st December is celebrated as new year and we wish good for others and this whole world. The mistakes we made in previous year or shortcomings are brought into light to avoid them in approaching one. The new spirit of power or strength to succeed in life is taken from new year celebration and new resolutions help to make achievements easier.

New Year 2023
This year the new year eve will fall on Sunday 31st December, which makes the first day of 2023 as civil holiday in USA and other countries as well. When clock will tick at 12.00 it will make a beautiful wish of Happy New Year 2023. In some nations 1st Jan will be a normal working day as the new year celebrations would take place on other day in January or in February as many countries are following different calendars. In India the new year takes place in February as according to Hinduism new year starts after end of last month Phaguna in February.

Why January is considered as start of New Year?
There are several reasons why 1st Jan is celebrated as the beginning of new year. In context with Babylonian Calendar, new moon after vernal equinox was celebrated as first new year thousands of years ago. In Roman Civilization, the calendar was of only 10 months and new year eve was on spring equinox in 304 days of year. First two months January and February were added afterwards. The Roman deity Janus was worshipped, and prayers were offered for the good start of new year. The celebration of this event had taken place as well with laurel branches decorations of homes and late-night parties of New Year Eve. Therefore, the world celebrates New Year by first of January every year.

best Resolutions and Celebrations of New Year around the world

Interesting Resolutions
The end of every year makes everyone, review the success of previous one so that the action plan for new one can be drawn. The interesting fact of this common practice is that we take resolutions and always forget about them with passing days of new year. People promise themselves to be adamant in doing exercise or going to gym but at the end they gain more weight to beat last years’ records. Some people take resolutions and give their 100% to achieve them. They are game changer and inspiration for others.

*Celebration of New Year *
The new year celebrations are quite fantastic in some parts of the world as Square Times in New York USA , the celebration of new year eve is extremely beautiful and sparkling. The lights and fireworks are amazing every year.

Moreover, people observe this day by throwing parties, giving new year wishes or cards and doing lot of fun together to mark good ending of previous year as well as giving warm welcome to new year with open heart.
Number of people cut cakes and give sweets to each other.
In some communities, people worship their deities to get the grace in new year as well.
The countdown begins before some seconds that clock strikes on 00 and people wish each other an auspicious New Year ahead while giving hugs and kisses. There is myth behind kissing each other that if it is not done the people will not have good connection in following days of year.

Additionally, people have different ways of celebration in the whole world, in Brazil and some parts of America, people wear some specific-coloured undergarments to bring prosperity, good health and success.

In Peru people clear their dues through fist fights in streets so that they can have no regrets for pending scores in new year. In soe places of world, people keep their unused dishes and throw against doors of their friends and relatives so that they can have good luck in upcoming year. The bigger heap of broken dishes, the more charm of luck one has in new year is considered by people.

Climbing on chair and jumping down on the beginning of new year is another perception which means one will have more success in new year while crushing evil beneath feet. People eat 12 grapes on new year in Spain to bring happiness and sound health in next 12 months. So, there are various ways of celebration are subject of bizarre for many.
New year 2023 will mark another year to the lives of inhabitants of earth.

May this year bring lot of happiness and good health to all and open new paths for success and contentment.