10 amazing uses and health benefits of aloe vera



Aloe Vera is a thick and natural plant that grows mostly in tropical climates and people have used it as a medicine plant for centuries. Aloe Vera plant can be easily maintained at home as it does not need much water to grow. Aloe Vera Leaf has two parts, one is juice of leaf that we get when leaf is cut and other is Gel that is the innermost part of the leaf that is 99% water that is most impotant. Aloe Vera is also known as Burn Plant, wonder plant. Gel is yellow in colour and it is little bitter in taste. It is also known as medical plant as it is used mostly for skin problems, sunburns and for healing purpose.


  1.  Skin Care
  2. Improves Digestion
  3. Controls Blood Sugar
  4. Relief from Constipation
  5. Healing Property for sunburns, injuries
  6.  Mouth Freshner and remover of Plaque from teeth
  7. Helps in keeping the Production Fresh
  8. Fights Breast Cancer
  9. Multiple Supplements
  10. Aloe Vera Products

Skin Care- Aloe Vera is mostly used as medical plant. It is used for healing sunburns that occurs generally due to going out in sunlight. Aloe vera smoothens amd moisturizes the skin by making skin acne and pimple free by its use and it has anti aging effects too. It also conditions the hair, helps in growth of the hair and reduce dandruff and shedding too. It is also used for treating Eczema.

Improves Digestion-Regular use of aloe vera juice improves digestion as it removes toxins from body and boosts immunity system.

Controls Blood sugar-Take two spoons of Aloe vera Juice daily to control blood sugar. If you are taking any medicine, then consult Doctor before starting Aloe Vera Juice. Take precautions if you are already taking any medications, results of use of aloe vera may be risky then.

Relief from Constipation- Use of aloe vera also helps to treat constipation as it improves digestive system, here latex that is present under the leaf that is yellow in colour, is useful but not the gel of aloe vera leaf.

Healing Properties – As we know, for the centuries, aloe vera plant has been used as medical plant for healing wounds, injuries, sunburns or any burn, etc. I regularly use aloe vera gel at home when I get some little burns during cooking in kitchen and it provides me cooling in burn and makes me feel relax and after some time my skin gets normal, then “No Burns No Scars”.

Mouth Freshner and Remover of the Plaque from Teeth– Dental problems are common during these days because of not following healthy eating habits. Use aloe vera juice as mouth freshner, it will help in reducing the dental plaque.

Helps in Keeping the Production Fresh- Use of aloe vera gel lowers the use of chemicals at the time of production of fruits and vegetables as it reduces the need of chemical use for production of fruits and vegetables and so on. Many experiments have been successful to prove it.

Fights Breast Cancer– Aloe vera helps to fight with the breast cancer as it improves the digestive system and removes toxins from body and various studies relating to it are still going on to get more and more results.

Multiple Supplements– Aloe Vera has supplements like

1.vitamins,2.Minerals and 3.Amino acids.

1. Vitamins include

Vitamin(A,C,E,B1,B2,B3,B6,B12), these all vitamins helps to improve digestive system and protects against cancer and helps to remove toxins from body.

2. Minerals include

Calcium, Sodium, iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Copper, etc. These all are necessary for maintaining health.

3. Amino Acids 

Aloe vera has many amino acids but some amino acids are beneficial.

Aloe Vera Products – Aloe vera is used for various products given below –

  1. Aloe Vera Juice
  2. Aloe Vera Gel
  3. Cosmetics
  4. Aloe Vera Shampoo
  5. Aloe Vera Soap and So On.

Conclusion– Aloe Vera has many advantages and very little disadvantages. Aloe vera is mainly used for medical purpose as consumption of it is difficult as it is little bitter, it is mostly used for healing sunburns, injuries, eczema, for controlling blood sugar, and for skin care as it smoothens and moisturizes the skin. Aloe vera is found at so cheaper rates than aloe vera cosmetics in which there are only little extracts of aloe vera. If anyone is already taking any medication then consult doctor before use of aloe vera.