10 Tips To Get The Perfect Winter Pout


Winter is the time when girls love doing up their lips in those bold, mutinous shades such as blood red or delicious Bordeaux. But a naturally healthy and a perfect pout means well taken care of the lips. The skin of the lips don’t contain any oil glands, so it becomes more prone to dryness, and lack of humidity during winter, only making them dry, dehydrated and chapped lips.

Here are some easy tips to get rid of dry and cracked lips

* First of All, avoid drinking too much of tea and coffee, as it results in dehydration and leads to dry and chapped lips. Go for plain water or the green tea instead.

* Make sure to drink plenty of water at regular intervals as it keeps your lips dehydrated.

* Apply ghee or honey during the night before hitting the bed.

* Try to avoid excessive use of lipsticks, as colors can often damage your lips in long run. Instead of lipsticks opt for lip balms or a little gloss on your lips, they not only protect but also moisturises your lips from drying out.

* If you have extra dry lips, then choose a lip balm with vitamin E, Shea butter, and jojoba oil. Try Always to use an SPF protected lip balms and carry it along with you.

* If you are having the bad habit of smoking, then please quit it for the sake of your lips.This is the main reason behind the cracked and dry lips.

* For the extra smooth and soft lips, exfoliate your lips once a week with a good scrub to get rid of dead cells.use a homemade scrubs such as honey and sugar scrub. Take equal amount of honey and sugar mix well and apply it on your lips. And after scrubbing, use a good lip balm on your lips.

* Some people have the tendency of hitting and licking their lips constantly, which eventually results in drier, & moisture less lips & also the bleeding from lips. Therefore, one should avoid doing this.

* Cracked lips often indicate vitamin B2 deficiency, so take vitaminB2 supplements and also the food items that are rich in this vitamin, and the source of vitamin B2 are almonds, nuts, mushrooms, dairy products, soybeans, sprouts, and green leafy vegetables and whole grain.

* Never touch your lips too much, or try taking off those skin flakes from your lips. It aggravates the problem chapped lips and make your lips more prone to infection. keep your hand away from your lips, as it transfers germs and bacteria.

sometimes, regardless of all these precautionary measures, your lips still need help & in that case it is time to visit a doctor. make sure that you don’t make it too late.

All of us are very fond off to have pink. bright and smooth lips, but as the winter season sets, it drag out the moisture away from your lips and makes them dry, chapped and dull.
But a little care by keeping this above tips in mind will surely help you to get those healthy and naturally soft lips.

So take care of them Appropriately and flaunt your perfect pout in style!!