Third Gender: The Indifference For The Different


“Until the great mass of the people shall be filled with the sense of responsibility for each other’s welfare, social justice can never be attained.” – Helen Keller

social justice for third gender

Have you ever wondered why justice is symbolized by a blindfolded lady, holding balance scales in one hand? This is because justice turns a blind eye to the external factors in any situation and judges only by balancing the right from the wrong wisely. In the eyes of Justice, everyone is equal without discrimination of class, caste or any other divisions. Justice is sought by the individual and provided as a matter of right. When it is sought as a social need or for a social cause, it is called social justice.

Inspite of the richness of our cultural heritage, we have yet to evolve in our social thinking to be better human beings. We give importance to external attributes such as good looks, social status, wealth and power, but fail to look at the person for his or her intrinsic values, such as integrity, sincerity, humility and so on. Shamefully though, while giving importance to superficial attributes we lose out on the real values which are eternal.

Now tell me one thing, What is your first reaction when you come across a eunuch or transgender, kinnars, hinjra or a chakka? People stay away from them or give a handsome amount of money to get rid of them. The notion every citizen carries is that of negligence or indifference. Why are they considered a social stigma?

The society doesn’t accept them because of the general notion that they don’t live like a normal human being, or to be precise, they don’t have normal sexual orientation, is this impression correct?

Is it in their hand? Have you ever wondered how this kind of cruel behavior of society affects their emotions and life?

Thankfully, today there are many great personalities who understand their pain and have given them a status in the society by their untiring efforts.

In India, Baba Ram Rahim, Chief of Dera Sacha Sauda filed a petition in the court and got them the status of “third gender”.

Baba Ram Rahim helped in getting the status
He is also running a free education system for such children in the schools of Dera. They are kept in complete care until they stand on their feet. There is no other organization in the world except Dera Sacha Sauda that makes so many efforts for mankind.

Those who only say benediction to others, the world only gives them abuses. Their only fault is that they’re a little different from that of us.

We, as a society, need to understand that every single person has a heart and soul. So, they have all the rights to be treated like other fellow citizens and we also need to respect those who work for their betterment.