J& K encounter – One terrorist killed, One warrior Zoom sacrificed his life


Encounter in Jammu Kashmir Anantnag District
Two terrorists were encountered by Police and security forces in Anantnag in Jammu and Kashmir. These militants were reported to be hidden in Anantnag District from Sunday night. A search operation and Corden in Tangpawa took place late Sunday night. They were informed about hiding militants. The encounter was started at Semthan Bijbehara area of Anantnag. During the search operation the ultras were fired at security forces. On Monday morning, two terrorists were killed in exchange of shooting.

One warrior Zoom Sacrificed His Life
During this whole operation, Indian Army’s assault dog Zoom got injured and admitted in Shrinagar Advanced Field Veterinary Hospital. On Monday, two fires were shot at Zoom by Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists who had heavy arms. After surgery the dog was recovering and responding smoothly to the treatment but in the afternoon he suddenly started gasping and died. Zoom fought with chivalry as after identifying culprits he attacked on two of the militants and in return got two bullets. Even after getting injured this warrior had not give up and killed those terrorists.
Zoom was highly active in Kashmir operations though he was still young. Aged only two years and one month Zoom had done a great job during his army service. He dealt with terrorists until he turned them down. India will never forget the sacrifices of such warriors of the army and nation.

Joint Success of Army and Police
After following the police tip off,the army came into action and initiated Cordon and search operation to attack two hidden terrorists in Semthan Bijbehara area of Anantnag District. During firing, one soldier also got injured as terrorists used grenade to hit the cordon, consequently the army personnel had injury. However, he did his job perfectly even after that and killed the militants.

Recovered weapons
The slain Militants were Aasif Ahmed Reshi from Bijbehara’s Sheikhupura Marhama area and another one was Wakeel Ahmad Bhat from Naibasti in Anantnag Marhama. These two militants were associated with Lashkar-e-Taiba. The Ak series arms and one pistol were found from them. The terrorists refuged forcefully at one house in Anantnag Tangpawa to do their planned job.

As this Operation became successful and the terrorists got killed at the end. But here one question arises that when this terrorism will stop and people will lead secure lives. At present, every nation is struggling to fight with these hidden enemies, in vain. Until joint efforts of all nations of the world will target terrorism , these enemies of humanity will not let anybody live peacefully. Every year thousands of people get affected from terrorism and become helpless to face the consequences. Therefore, authorities of nations need to negotiate with each other to plan great strategy against terrorism. However, our army and police force proved their valour once again. Kudos to their effort and team dailybees salute them for thier tireless efforts.