World Music Day 2021: History, Significance of Music & How it can Help in Pandemic?


Music, whenever we hear that word, we not only hear it but feel that melody as well. A charming tunes start humming in our ears. So, Music is a beautiful melody, without that, a human life is a tedious journey.

In that Honor, Whole World has been Celebrating World Music day on 21st June Since 1982. World Music Day is also known by the name Fête de la Musique and also known as Make Music Day. One can never feel alone when the feeling of music is with you. Music has the power or ability to uplift oneself from all problems and also respite us from depression. Music is like a dazzling weather that is liked by everyone. A famous quote is here that

 Where Words Fail… Music Speaks.. 

World Music Day 2021 - Daily Bees

History & Theme of World Music Day

World Music Day was founded by Minister of Culture, France, Jack Lang and also by Maurice Fleuret, a French composer, music journalist, radio producer, arts administrator, and festival organizer, in Paris in 1982. According to a hypothesis, Maurice Fleuret studied about the cultural habits of people and came to know that one person out of two young persons likes to play musical instrument. And then they decided to bring out the people outside in the streets and roads and proposed the Idea of World Music Day. Over 120 countries celebrate world music Day all over the world.

The theme for World Music Day, 2021 is “Music at the intersections”. Must celebrate this World Music Day as per safety Guidance.

How can people of different ages celebrate Music Day?

This year, due to the ongoing pandemic COVID-19, it seems difficult to take part in outside concerts. So everyone can be encouraged to celebrate it at home.

Benefits of listening music

Music is not all about listening. It has many fruitful results on our body also. Listening music is very much beneficial for our health and body. According to an Experiment, by a musician in Stanford University, the average score of students jumped from 110 to 150 after listening the calm music. So, it indicates that the Music also helps us to boost our mind-power temporarily. Besides Mindpower, Music has proven very beneficial for our body also. Some of the benefits are:

  • Music helps us to improve our mood.
  • Depression is very common in today’s generation. Music helps to cope up with it very easily.
  • According to a research, music also helps blood to flow smoothly. It leads to decrease in the high blood pressure and helps make it normal.
  • Music also helps to stimulate the memory. It is observed by the Doctors that Music therapy can relax an agitated patient.

As we discussed above that music provides a sensation of relaxation. So, It really helps everyone to reduce their pain.

People listen music to achieve self-awareness and an expression of social relatedness.

Workout with music leads to longer workouts. A research confirms that the music helps body to workout efficiently.

Listening to music can prove to be an easy way to boost focus and concentration.

Music also helps the patients that are affected by Isonomia, helps them to Induce a deeper sleep.

How music can help people in pandemic time?

At the time of pandemic, the importance of music has increased than before. People, in lockdown, have been working from home since last year 2020. As per official COVID-19 guidance, they are not supposed to go outside for relaxation. So, In this time, music helps a lot. One can relax via listening music.

Most of people go through decline in mental health in the form of anxiety, depression, because of the loneliness in lockdown. Studies show that listening to music can benefit overall well-being, help regulate emotions, and create happiness and relaxation in everyday life of a person.

Lots of negative thoughts are prevailing in society because of this pandemic. Music helps us to give up all these negative thoughts and try to find happiness and positivity in oneself. It makes you feel calm, stress-free, happy or pumped up. In this Era, when you don’t have freedom to meet with anybody,

So just put airpods in your ear,

Start Your favourite music,

And keep calm and happy.

By this way, you really feel calm and can find yourself stress-free.


Overall, Music is the best way to express our feeling to someone which we can’t say by words. With the help of music, one can easily get rid from the anxiety, Depression and all the problems of their lives. When Nobody is with you, music is always there for you to make you feel calm and relaxed. High or loud music can spoil your health. But smooth music will always Improve your health and mind. So Must choose your music with care.

Writing Credits – Sukhdeep Kaur