World Water Day – Nurture The Nature!


save water for the future daily bees
“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed” – Mahatma Gandhi.

The World Water Day is Observed on March 22nd, every year by people and organisations all across the world, and the member nations of the UN, to advocate the need for sustainable management of freshwater resources. Read on to know more!


nature for water daily bees

The theme for 2018 is Nature For Water to encourage the masses to look for the solutions in nature or nature-based solutions to the challenges faced by the ever-increasing population! Distorted ecosystems alter the quality and quantity of drinkable water. As of today, around 2.1 billion people don’t have access to safe drinking water at home!

A Look At Some More Stats

facts and statistics about water daily bees

To get some more insights as to why we need to look fir solutions within nature, go through the following facts and figures.

⦁ The world population is expected to be grown by around 2 billion and the global water demand could be up to 30% higher than present.
⦁ Based on population density and irrigation requirements, the agriculture sector consumes around 70% of global water withdrawals, industries require 20%, 10% goes to domestic use and only 1% is used as drinking water.
⦁ Internationally, more than 75% wastewater goes back to the nature reused or treated.
⦁ An alarming 65% area of forested land is in a degraded condition.
⦁ Due to human activity since 1990, an estimated 70% of natural wetlands have been lost.

What Are Some Solutions?

The Nature Based Solutions (NBS) are an initiative to look within the natural resources instead of coming up with artificial systems, with unforeseen harms to the ecosystem. Tree plantation campaigns to replenish forests, connecting overflowing rivers to the drought prone areas, restoring wetlands, etc, are cost effective and sustainable ways to rejuvenate the nature. This rebalances the water cycle, lowers the climate change caused and improves the human health.

Some Success Stories

Farmer And Agricultural Fair, India

agricultural fair India Daily Bees

An annual Farmer and Agricultural Fair is organised by the socio-spiritual organisation Dera Sacha Sauda, under the guidance of Saint Dr Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, with an objective to spread awareness among local farmers regarding use of organic manure and modern equipment to obtain a better yield with minimal water usage. By following the techniques shared by Revered Guruji, the farmers have succeeded in getting even cashew and apples in the arid soils of the Sirsa region in Haryana. Tree plantation drives are also held regularly, which has even earned Guinness World Record for the DSS.

guinness world records 01 baba ram rahim daily beesguinness world records 01 baba ram rahim daily bees Sand Dams, Zimbabwe

Sand Dams Zimbabwe Daily Bees

On the Sashane river of Zimbabwe, a new technique called Sand Dams has been experimented. Sand Dams are nothing but walls dug into the ground along the river bed. In the areas that receive less rainfall or are based on groundwater reserves, sand dams are a low cost, solar-powered solutions.

This source is supplementary to the occasional natural rainfall and extends the farming season for the farmers. Sand dams ensure enough water capacity for the domestic as well as commercial uses.

Sponge Cities, China

Sponge Cities China Daily Bees

Asian cities are facing this common problem of rapid urban migration and are struggling hard to accommodate them. In a similar situation, China has developed the concept of sponge cities. A sponge city is designed to absorb and use the rainfall in an eco-friendly manner to reduce dangerous and polluted runoff. These include rooftop gardens, rain gardens, permeable roads, etc. The China Government has launched this initiative especially in urban settlements.

All in all, nature is the bountiful source of all possible life forms. Certainly, that’s the reason why all kinds of rejuvenation and peace begins within! Let us do our part by using water judiciously and cherish it for posterity.