Causes for Skin Pigmentation & How to Reduce Pigmentation at Home

Many people cannot realize how over exposure to sun light can cause skin pigmentation. Any change in season or in weather brings various outcomes to our health and especially to looks. The most drastic change to our look is when it causes “pigmentation”. Pigmentation is the colouration caused due to an increase in melanin (a component which plays an important role in colouration). Let us discuss here the Causes for Skin Pigmentation and the simple remedies.
Melanin is the production of melanocytes cells. In summers when the sun emits UV radiations melanin absorbs it to protect the skin from being damaged. Excessive sunlight exposure can typically cause them to multiple, these lead to spots and patches.

Common Causes for Skin Pigmentation

  • Skin sensitivity towards the sunlight
  • Imbalance in hormones
  • Physical trauma to the skin and chemical burns

Tips and Home Remedies for Skin Pigmentation


Being rich in phytochemicals includes pro-vitamin Alpha-carotene and beta-carotene which are essential nutrients of vitamin A are beneficial for the skin. Potato can be really helpful in the reduction of pigmentation if it’s juice is applied on the skin directly. It reduces the production of melanin and so reduces odd colouration. Applying it on the skin and wash after a few minutes, you will see good results as it reduces the tanning too.
how to reduce pigmentation with potato Daily Bees

Lemon Juice and Cucumber

With there cooling properties Lemon and cucumber both are beneficial in summer whether intake or applied directly on the skin. Lemon rich in vitamin C helps in purification of skin cells, it minimizes the dead cells and smoothens the skin surface whereas a cucumber is hydrated and provides minerals to skin which makes it fresh. In addition to their these properties, they reduce melanin production and reduce pigmentation. Apply the juice directly to the affected areas, let it dry and you will experience a freshness.
 how to reduce skin pigmentation with lemon juice and cucumber daily bees


Papaya is another fruit which is rich in vitamin A, it reduces the dark marks from skin especially on the face. It works quickly if it’s juice is applied to the pigmentation. It removes dead cells and cools the skin burning. This fruit can remove the pigmentation completely if you apply it daily.
how to reduce skin pigmentation papaya daily bees

Almond and Milk

To apply this process let almond seeds soak in cool milk for a whole night, crush it next morning and apply it to the skin. It removes skin dryness and nourishes it completely. Apply it for 15 minutes twice a day and you will see pigmentation will be lighter when it’s applied daily they will be removed.
how to reduce skin pigmentation with almond and milk daily bees

Cocoa Butter

 If you have dark colouration have you tried cocoa butter, It has antioxidant properties and is rich in minerals it gives smoothen skin. Moisturise your skin twice with it and gently massage with your fingers. Keep doing it until you see the desired results.
 how to reduce skin pigmentation with cocoa butter daily bees

Lemon Juice with Honey

Lemon and honey is a great contrast if you want a fresh, glowing and clear skin tone. These two helps in pores cleansing and removes the tanning. Lemon juice and honey paste once a day clears dirt and reduces melanin and shield your skin from excessive sun exposure.
 how to reduce skin pigmentation with lemon juice with honey daily bees

White vinegar

Works best when it’s about pigmentation. White vinegar is acidic and can even damage your skin. Use the tip once in a week for less than  2 minutes. With astringent features, it removes dead skin cells and purifies your skin surface. It is one of the easiest ways to gain beautiful skin. Add two teaspoon of white vinegar to lukewarm water, make a paste and apply on skin, Wait for a minute and wash it with water. Your skin will be lightened and free from pigmentation.
how to reduce skin pigmentation with white vinegar daily bees


Alovera is widely used in beauty products due to its infinite benefits. It can be used in any way whether as a scrub, for acne and for any type of skin whether it’s sensitive or not. Alovera Gel when applied directly on the skin and it works in all manners- clearing, scrubbing, cleansing, moisturizing. It does not cause any damage and can be applied for more than once a day.
how to reduce skin pigmentation with alovera daily bees

Sandalwood and Rose Water

Both having cooling agents and is got in summers especially during these days of summer. Sandalwood powder and rose water once a day can cool down your skin and remove the dead cells due to melanin. It provides minerals to the body through the skin and never harms at any cost.
 how to reduce skin pigmentation with sandalwood and rose water daily bees

Turmeric with honey

Turmeric is also used in medicine. In addition to it’s this benefit it works in both manners- in clearing and in recovering. It clears skin from outside and recovers your skin inside as medicine. When honey is added to it makes you glow. This tip can be used whenever you wish to get a glowing skin.
 how to reduce skin pigmentation with turmuric with honey daily bees