Thinking Beyond Self


Yesterday, a house in my neighborhood suddenly caught fire, people from the neighbouring areas were rushing towards the house. Some were trying to control the fire by doing their best, while some were busy in their own gossiping along with an opinion ‘hame kya phark padta hai!’.

Shocking! Instead of helping those who cried for help, people were talking all this shit while the concerned were at a loss of ideas to help the victims come out. But thankfully, no life was lost due to timely help & assistance by the staff of the fire brigade.

Is this humanity? This is not the only case, sometimes you and I also do the same thing, no one wants to put his or her life at risk for others life.

Within each of us there is a potential for looking beyond our own selves. If we allow this potential inside us to blossom, we will see the world around us with a definite purpose and look upon its joys and sorrows as our own.

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It has been said that giving time to someone is the best gift and this notion extends to volunteers of Dera Sacha Sauda Organization. In our busy lives, we often find it hard to give our time for others whereas these volunteers are devoted to serving the humanity. I feel grateful to Ram Rahim Ji, the present Spiritual Master of Dera) for continuously motivating and instilling enthusiasm in his brave-hearted volunteers for the selfless service of the humanity. It really incredible!

Whether it’s blood donation campaign, tree plantation campaign, free medical camps, service after death, social upliftment or in disaster management, Dera volunteers are stand forefront to do such initiatives.

Relief Operations by Dera Sacha Sauda

Have you ever seen lakhs of volunteers saving others by risking their own lives? I’m sure not, if not for one place. Every good work is imaginable when it comes to Dera Sacha Sauda, where every volunteer has a passion for humanitarian deeds & the sole motivator is Ram Rahim Ji.

dss volunteers in relief operation 03 Daily BeesThey believe that we all are children of God & serving the other children of god is the real service of mankind. So what else could be a better gift for God?

Floods in Uttrakhand or Bihar, earthquake in Gujarat or Nepal, tsunami in Andaman island or drought in Rajasthan, imbued with the spirit of social welfare by Ram Rahim Ji, Dera volunteers have rescued the people caught in any kind of calamity.

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These volunteers undergo proper formal disaster management training for specialized rescue in disasters. Surprisingly, without any motive for financial gain, setting the true example of Humanity.

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“When you have been through hard times and come out the other side, look around you. The people still there are your true friends.”