Facebook Launches Ads Globally for Instagram Reels


You can see ads of your interest on Instagram reels now onwards.

After TikTok got ban in India, Facebook launched its clone as Instagram Reels which is now quite popular among entertainment arenas. It has now become an employment option for many creators and a learning platform for many users. Creators are trying new ways to entertain their audience through different trends and their talents.

After its amazing popularity, now Facebook allows companies to promote their brands through 30 sec video on reels.

Facebook has announced this on Thursday, 17 June. They tested this feature in 4 countries for now, these are – India, Brazil, Germany and Australia.

As users are very much active on this entertainment platform for showing their creativity as well as for making money through it, brands will also get fresh audience for their products.

As YouTube and other platforms support advertisement, and made it compulsory for you to watch them, reels ad will have some relief.

You can just swipe if you’re not interested to watch it.

Chief Operating Officer of Instagram, Justin Osofsky said these ad will be user-friendly. The ads shown will be based on the user’s history of preferring the content on reels, so that brands can also have access to their target audience.

This can be a beneficial feature for brands as well as little challenging, as they have now another way to show their brands through trends on the platform by making them more interesting by their products.

There’s an interesting feature also. You don’t have to waste your time searching for that product if you like in that advertisement. Instagram Reels will provide a “show now” option for these brands, so that you can directly visit their sites if you find them interesting.

Writing credits – Ankita Middha