6 Ways to Make The Lockdown Fun for Kids and Elderly


Coronavirus is spreading everywhere, and till now lakhs of people have died worldwide due to this deadly pandemic, and the only way to protect ourselves from this virus is to stay away from others and follow the instructions given by the government authorities.

Coronavirus is impacting to the persons who are with low immunity, as we know kids and elders have a low immunity system, so they need extra care. And despite sitting idle, we can use this time in doing the creative activities. And because kids and elderly cannot go outside at many places due to lockdown and at other places because of the risk, they felt bored & fed up from the same routine from many days. So, I’m here with some amazing tips to make their lockdown easier while staying at home.

Enhance the knowledge of kids through Digital Platforms

knowledge via digital platforms - Daily Bees

Due to closing in schools in pan India, kids are bound to stay at their homes. It’s a better time for all to learn lots of things in this lockdown period. While staying at home, kids can learn through digital platforms.

  1. Kids can use many digital platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Online courses apps and live classes from professionals to learn new things in lockdown, and use this time smartly to enhance their knowledge in the field of their interests, like learning music instruments online (Guitar, Harmonica, Banjo, Keyboard, Piano etc), and dance classes, drawing and they can improve their skills.
  2. To study on digital platforms is a revolutionary step, and kids are taking benefits of it because it’s affordable and easily accessible. Kids are learning their study courses through digital platforms, live classes on YouTube and Facebook by tutors and schools are providing classes by creating their page on digital platforms. Students will become more focused, attentive and get more time for self-studies through this.

Digital studies will consume most of the time of your kids, but you as parents should check what your kids are learning through these digital platforms.

Make time-table for kids to do creative activities of their interests

give creative targets to kids - Daily Bees

As you know that kids are the powerhouse of the energy, and they can do multiple tasks in a single day, so you as parents need to make the best time-table, which can help them to improve their hidden talent parallel with studies, like:

  1. They can do painting, dancing, singing, drawing, acting, art and craft, quiz competition and cooking, learning musical instruments. These activities will make your kids more creative. In these days kids are getting their study classes digitally, so most of their time is consumed in studies and the rest of the time parents need to manage for extra activities.
  2. You as their parents can create time table on weekly basis and put all activities of their interest in the time table, and assign a day to a particular activity, so through this, they will not get bored and this lockdown period will become more interesting for them and will give a boost to their brain health. Kids will get their weekly activities target, which will give them goosebumps and they can push their limits through it.

Elderly people of the house can observe their performance daily, so it will be the best interacting time-consuming activity for both kids and elders. This lockdown period is an opportunity for children to learn many new things with the help of their parents & grandparents.

Best time-consuming indoor games for kids in Lockdown

In this crucial time of lockdown at various places, everybody is staying at home as per government’s guidelines. And we know it’s hard to keep children inside the home. As we all are aware that schools are closed further and it is difficult to keep the kids inside the house. I’m here for you with the best indoor games which consume the maximum time and entertain your kids.

play indoor games with kids - Daily Bees

  1. Kids can play some board games like chess, ludo, carom board, snakes and ladder, puzzles (different kinds of a picture or word puzzles) which they can play with family.
  2. They can also play some more physical games like Kids Yoga (Yoga will enhance more flexibility in your kids ), hide & seek inside the house with family, musical chairs, rock paper scissors, dumb charades, and all-time favorite is antakshari. So, most of the games are family game which all family member can play and utilize their free time, through this parents can also recall their childhood memories.

Elders can stay healthy and boost the immune system in Lockdown

If elderly and senior citizens are at your home or in neighbor, you should do extra care for them. As we know that elderly and kids have low immunity and diseases can easily catch them, so:

1. To boost their immune system they should intake ‘Shyama Tulsi’ in hot liquid like in Tea, milk, hot water, and they should also add cheese and pistachios in their daily diet which helps to improve their immunity; because with strong immunity, one can fight against many type of diseases like COVID -19. Elders should intake nutritious food like oats, salads and boiled vegetables and provide a fresh meal to keep the elderly healthy.

2. Elders should do regular exercise, yoga inside the home and gym at home to stay fit, they should do exercise in morning and evening hours at least for 2 hours in a day. In the form of exercise, elderly can also step up for dance, to do complete body exercise. It will refresh and energize the whole day.

Elders can do Meditation with Pranayama to strengthen their willpower

In the spread of coronavirus around the world, social media is with full of Covid-19 news, it can create panic and anxiety in our inner world. Meditation strengthens our willpower, and keeps us away from any type of anxiety and negativity.

Our elders will over stress in this situation of lockdown due to coronavirus , but they can keep themselves free from stress & anxiety by practicing meditation with Pranayama in morning and evening hours, which will strengthen their willpower and the best way to keep them calm and away from negative thoughts. With the strong ‘Willpower’ one can control their thought process of the inner world and the outer world news cannot impact their thoughts, and it will make their lockdown easier with this way.

Elderly can become more spiritual during the lockdown

Our elders are a precious gem for us. In this lockdown period they are staying at home with us, so we should ask them to tell us about their childhood and spiritual stories which helps them to get rid of their loneliness. Grandparents can tell us stories from holy books and we can also sing ‘Bhajans’ with elders which will give them inner peace and make their mood happy, through this elders can become more spiritual. And get the blessings of Almighty.

These all above tips will help to kids and elders to make their lockdown easier and more creative by doing these lots of activities.

Writing Credits – Paramjeet kaur