Dera Sacha Sauda chief Baba Ram Rahim has been granted 30-days parole


Dera Sacha Sauda chief Baba Ram Rahim has been granted 30-day parole.

The government of Haryana has once again accepted the parole permission of Baba Ram Rahim who was previously was on parole in January this year.

Head of Dera Sacha Sauda Ram Rahim Singh has been granted 30-day parole on Thursday (July 20).

Baba Ram Rahim

Waves of fervour and happiness among the devotees of Ram Rahim

After hearing of Baba Ram Rahim’s release on parole, millions of his followers are ecstatic. They believe that this period is more important to them than any event.

According to his devotees, humanity will get a new direction in these days of parole:

It is noticeable that millions of followers of Baba Ram Rahim and Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers have set many examples in humanity welfare services whether it the time of corona pandemic or natural calamities like earth quakes, flood disasters or providing food,free homes to destitute families even the followers of Baba Ram Rahim are named as true blood pumps due to their world records in blood donation.

However, everyone is awaited to witness how many welfare works will be done during this period of 30 days under the guidance of Baba Ram Rahim as North India is facing the severe flood disasters and his followers are already helping the flood victims at the risk of their own lives.

This is noticeable that the administration of affected villages and cities have asked for help to Dera Sacha Sauda and Dera Sacha Sauda have already been providing services with priority to affected areas.

Prayer for well-being of flood affected people in Message of Baba Ram Rahim to flood victims

Baba Ram Rahim has prayed to Almighty for all affected people in this natural disaster and sent a consolidated message that Dera Sacha Sauda is always ready to help anyone anywhere and helpline nos are also delivered in Punjab and Haryana for any type of help.

Baba Ram Rahim has put a petition for parole using his fundamental right of parole on the basis of good behaviour and following all rules during sentence period.

Baba Ram Rahim will spend his 30 days parole period in Barnawa Ashram, UP where he stayed earlier. It is imagined that this time will bring positivity and reformity in society as usual because he is considered as the youth icon and youth actually appreciate his welfare works. Millions of drug addicted youngsters have pledged to quit all the intoxication on his appeal.
That’s why humanity’s well wishers also wait for his parole.