Happy New Year! Let’s Welcome On A Spiritual Note


“Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.” – Brad Paisley

As we are about to take a leap into 2018, the Daily Bees team wholeheartedly wishes our readers, a very Happy New Year! May 2018 be a year of growth in all spheres of your lives.

It is all about feeling it, you see. When I am skeptical about January 1st (when it is also a MONDAY!), I feel that it is no different than any other day of the year. But when I think at ease, it is clearly an entirely new beginning. January 1st then becomes a gentle reminder that no matter how much we hold on to things, people, places or experiences, there have to be some restarts and reloads in our lives!

spirituality and meditation daily bees

Now most of us have all the time in the world to celebrate occasions by partying with friends and family and by getting high in our own ways! But let us welcome 2018 on a different note than usual, on a Spiritual note.


meditate daily

The Mega Science of Vedas and other rich Indian texts has been proven by modern sciences and technology. Chanting a holy word such as Om brings positive energy from the universe and the soul feels strengthened. So, develop meditation as a habit this year and thank me later. 😛

Speak Minimal

speak limited daily bees

In a world full of opinionated individuals, speaking a lot and doing less has become a usual sight. What most of us know but fail to understand and implement is that the world is made better by actions, not opinions. Also, in spirituality, silence to the outer world connects the soul to the Supreme Lord. So speak minimal to reach God earlier.

Explore Sufi Music

right music gives you peace

Since the time immemorial, music has been studied in the form of vibrations and frequencies. Science and spirituality both vouch for its significance in attaining inner peace. The right music makes you feel calm even amidst chaos. All the music apps and YouTube boast of their own playlists of sufi music. Make this small change in your choice and peace is guaranteed.

welcome new year with cheers daily bees

All in all seeing the bigger picture, we want a fulfilling life which is only possible by diving deep into the world of spirituality, which sheds all the weight of this materialistic world, which empowers not the mind, not the body, but our soul. So I wish a very Happy and Spiritual New Year to everyone! 🙂