National Doctor’s Day 2020


Doctors are the real-life heroes who strive to create a healthy world.

Doctor’s day is celebrated all over the world to pay gratitude to the doctors who work with full dedication to maintain the health system of the nation. Doctors act as guardians of the nation.

Different countries celebrate this day on different dates. In India, National doctors’ day is celebrated on July 1st every year.

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Happy National Doctor's Day - Daily Bees Why is Doctor’s Day celebrated?

July 1 is regarded as National Doctor’s day in India to commemorate the birth and death anniversary of a great physician of India Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy (Dr. B C Roy). Educated in the United Kingdom, Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy was a legend, and is regarded as the best doctor India has ever produced. He was honored with India’s highest civilian award, the Bharat Ratna on February 4, 1961.

It is hence a tribute to his selfless contributions to the health system in the country. This day is an annual observance aimed at applauding physicians who help save our lives anytime and anywhere.

What are the qualities of a true doctor?

In many nations and cultures too, the doctor is believed to be a visible God on earth. Doctor is the only hope when it comes to saving lives. Hence the shoulders of a doctor hold greater responsibilities to be responsible and capable enough.

  • A doctor should be loyal to his profession. He should not let business destroy the morality of their profession. He should prescribe what cures the patient without any consideration for his gain.
  • He should not be motivated to earn money, the goal should be helping people and rendering service to the needy.
  • His efforts should be to provide relief and welfare at minimal costs.
  • A doctor’s approach should not be bounded by his consultation fees. Let this noble service be available to the ones who are actually in need.
  • A doctors kind smile, caring voice never let the patient lose hope. He should be humble enough to support the patient and his guardians emotionally.
  • A doctor should treat all patients equally. There should not be any discrimination based on his caste, color, race, and economic status.
  •  A doctor should always keep in mind the nobleness of his profession. It’s great to ease the pains and make people healthy and hearty.
  • Working long hours and even on holidays, is hard, and that means you need to have that drive to get the job done. One must be able to dedicate himself 100% to work despite any personal problems.
  • Good communication skills are very crucial for a doctor. He should be able to clearly explain what is happening to the patient and should be ensuring that they understand what is going on.
  • Ayurveda, the Indian traditional health system, describes eight qualities of a doctor (Vaidya):
  1. Budhi – intelligence
  2. Siddhi – perfection
  3. Smriti – memory
  4. Meda – wisdom
  5. Dhriti – courage
  6. Kirti – reputation
  7. Kshama – forgiving nature
  8. Dayaa – sympathy

Doctors are the real heroes!

  • Between the never-ending run from ward to ward and managing the patients, lies the version of doctors as heroes. A doctor not only saves a life, but also reduces pain and anxiety from the lives. He makes lives healthier and happier.
  • Amid the coronavirus outbreak, the role of a doctor in society has been realized all over the world. When the world is gripped around the pandemic, doctors are the ones who work day and night to break the shackles. They risk their lives to save their patients’ lives. Hence this day is an opportunity to thank all the doctors for their selfless commitment and dedicated efforts.
  • And now, amid the coronavirus pandemic, some doctors are making extraordinary sacrifices to care for the rest of us. They are the ones- who risk infecting their own families. It is commonly said that if real superheroes do not wear capes, they probably wear a face mask and scrubs.
  • The pandemic has witnessed the masked fighters working round the clock. Many of them sacrificed their lives too and several died due to coronavirus.

“If God has reserved for Himself the power to create life, but He has given to a few the responsibility of keeping in good health, the bodies in which the life is sustained.”

  • The doctors indeed need the government’s proper encouragement as well as proper facilities to work with zeal and zest in everyday duties in their respective hospitals.
  • Being a doctor is not so easy. A student has to travel a long journey to get qualified as a doctor and then years more to get experienced and capable.
  • Doctors are trained for years to treat patients better. Any advice from the doctor is an expert opinion one can rely on more than any book or internet resources.
  • Their hard-core efforts in making people’s lives better and healthy through technology have been persistent. This day marks such accomplishments.

What can we do to support doctors?

National Doctor’s Day carries an agenda of respecting the doctors. They are meant to be respected.

This awareness campaign is a great way of attracting all the physicians and doctors at one spot and bringing them at one track of responsibility towards the life protecting the medical profession.

Doctor’s day is also working as a medium of health awareness among rural areas. In rural areas, where the illiteracy rate is still high, people avoid visiting doctors, and many doctors join free campaigns to provide free health care.

Amid the corona pandemic, we all should do our little efforts to support doctors

  • Stay home
  • Follow all instructions described by health care professionals
  • We can donate for masks, sanitizers and other essential supplies
  • We can donate blood as needed.


Doctors have sacrificed their time to save our lives and one must not forget this. We urge everyone to pay gratitude towards these real-life heroes and honor the healers.

Writing Credits: Lovepreet Arora